The UK has recently announced amendments to its laws on pornography, and while the intention may be to protect individuals from harmful content, the changes are inherently sexist. The amendments include regulations that require pornography websites to verify the age of their users and to ensure that they are over 18. While this may seem like a reasonable measure, the reality is that these regulations disproportionately affect women and perpetuate harmful stereotypes about female sexuality.

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The Impact on Women

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One of the main issues with these amendments is that they place the burden of age verification on the individual user, rather than on the websites themselves. This means that women, in particular, will be disproportionately affected as they are more likely to be asked for age verification. This places an unfair burden on women to prove their age in order to access adult content, while men are less likely to face the same scrutiny.

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Furthermore, the amendments fail to consider the fact that many women may not have access to the necessary identification to prove their age, such as a driver's license or passport. This means that women from marginalized communities, such as immigrants, may be unfairly denied access to adult content.

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Perpetuating Harmful Stereotypes

Beyond the practical implications, these amendments also perpetuate harmful stereotypes about female sexuality. By placing the burden of age verification on the individual, the amendments imply that women are not capable of making informed decisions about their own sexual desires. This reinforces the idea that women need to be protected from explicit content, while men are assumed to be capable of making their own choices.

Additionally, the amendments fail to take into account the fact that many women enjoy consuming adult content and have the right to do so. By restricting access to pornography, the amendments effectively deny women the agency to explore and express their own sexual desires.

The Role of Consent

Another concerning aspect of these amendments is the lack of consideration for consent. While the intention may be to protect individuals from harmful content, the reality is that these regulations do not address the issue of consent within adult content. Instead of focusing on age verification, the UK government should be prioritizing initiatives that promote consent and healthy sexual relationships.

Furthermore, the amendments fail to acknowledge the importance of comprehensive sex education. By placing restrictions on pornography, the government is effectively denying individuals the opportunity to learn about healthy sexual relationships and consent through adult content.


In conclusion, the amendments to the UK law on pornography are inherently sexist and fail to consider the diverse needs and desires of women. By placing the burden of age verification on the individual, the amendments disproportionately affect women and perpetuate harmful stereotypes about female sexuality. Instead of focusing on restrictions, the government should be prioritizing initiatives that promote consent and comprehensive sex education.

As individuals who value sexual freedom and agency, it is important to challenge these amendments and advocate for a more inclusive and nuanced approach to pornography regulation. We must continue to push for policies that prioritize consent, education, and the diverse needs and desires of all individuals.